
Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions for website users

Hello and welcome to my website! I’m so glad you’re here. Before you get too stuck in, you should know that I expect you to comply with a few terms of use while you’re in the area. By using my website, you imply that you consent to the following terms and conditions.

Limited liability

You must accept that Angela Rodgers of angelarodgers.com is not legally responsible for any damages you may incur as a result of using this website. This includes anything that might happen as a result of:

  • Clicking through to external links
  • Comments on posts
  • Advertisements
  • Errors/omissions
  • Advice
  • Downloads
  • The use of any information or materials included on the site

Governing law

I am located in QLD, Australia, so my website and any sales through my website are governed by the laws in this area.

Due diligence

While I do my best to ensure that all information provided in the content I write is accurate, it is your responsibility to double-check facts against your own knowledge and research.

Image sources

Any stock images used in graphics produced by me have been sourced from websites that provide free stock images for commercial use (creative commons). This is to the best of my knowledge.

Please do your own due diligence.

Copyright Notice

Angelarodgers.com contains graphics, layouts, wording, information, descriptions, designs, and branding that is unique to my brand and owned by me. You may not copy or reproduce the materials or information on this website for sale, use by a third party, publication, or distribution. I reserve the copyright on all contents of this website. Unless you have special written permission by me, you must not breach these terms.

Terms and conditions for online purchases

Who you’re doing business with

You’re doing business with me, Angela! I operate under a trust – S & A Rodgers Family Trust and our ABN is 36 154 599 303. This trust contains a few different brands, including my personal brand.

Australian consumer law

This website and the goods and services sold through the website are in compliance with Australian Consumer Law.

Customers purchasing goods and services online

By purchasing from this website you agree that you are 18 years or older. I reserve the right to cancel and refund any orders that I suspect are made by underage customers. In addition, I may cancel and refund any orders at my discretion that I am unable to complete because of time constraints, unexpected events, conflicts of value, and other issues.

Delivery of goods and services online

Delivery occurs via email with links to download your product. If you run into any issues with accessing your files, you should contact us immediately for assistance. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that all files are downloaded locally within two weeks of receiving the file. Files may be lost or removed and Angela Rodgers is not responsible for retrieving the file after a reasonable amount of time has passed.

Payment terms

All invoices are due upon receipt. All prices listed are in $AUD (Australian Dollars). GST is added for all Australian-based clients. If an invoice does not clear within 3 days, I reserve the right to cancel the order to make room in my schedule for paid orders.

Guarantee and faulty products/services

I guarantee that your service will be delivered with due care and skill, fit for purpose, and provided within a reasonable amount of time, as per the consumer guarantee.

If a customer is not 100% satisfied with their product and feels that the product delivered is not what was described or to the standard they expected, they may contact me for an amendment or full refund within 7 business days. The amendment will be issued as quickly as possible – within 3 business days. If required, a refund will be issued via the payment gateway used to pay for the product. All customers are guaranteed to receive the products and services they have paid for, as described clearly on the product description, delivered on time.

Terms and conditions for clients

The following are my general terms and conditions for copywriting and content writing clients. If I’ve provided a proposal or mentioned specific terms while discussing your project in writing, those terms will apply. But otherwise, the following general terms and conditions apply for clients:


The amount quoted in your proposal covers the deliverables listed only. If you need additional work, I will confirm the scope and fees in writing. In this case, your agreed upon terms and conditions will apply to this and any future work you engage me on.

Fee conditions

The project conditions and fees are valid through to the expiry date listed on your proposal. If you wish to move forward with the project after this date, I may provide you with a new quote for approval before commencing.

All amounts listed in your proposal and on your invoice are in Australian dollars. Payment is via Credit/Debit/Bank transfer. If you’re an Australian business, I’m required to charge GST. This will be calculated and added to your invoice in addition to the amount listed here.

For one-off projects under $1000 (excl. GST) payment in full is required upfront. For one-off projects over $1000 (excl. GST) I invoice 50% upfront and 50% on delivery of your first draft (due within 7 days). Please note that I can’t guarantee time/availability in my schedule until after your initial payment clears on my end.

For ongoing work and retainers, I invoice on the last day of the month for all work submitted during the month (including items awaiting your feedback). This payment is due within 7 days.

If you’re unable to pay on time, please contact me as soon as you are aware so that I know when to expect your payment and can give you some grace.

I reserve the right to add a late fee of 2% interest on the total amount for every month your payment is late to help cover the extra admin costs required to recover payment. But I’d rather not do that, so I’ll be sure to remind your finance team when payment is due.


I will endeavour to be reachable and respond to any questions/enquiries you make within 1 business day.

It’s your duty to provide accurate data and background information needed according to the nature of the product I am producing. It’s also your duty to respond in a timely manner to all communication and requests for feedback to ensure that the project timeline is adhered to.

Acceptable lines of communication are primarily email, followed by text messaging, with phone calls to be reserved for more urgent matters or scheduled ahead of time. You’re also welcome to join my Slack workspace and message me there – I’m on Slack throughout the day, most days.

Reviews and feedback

I love getting your feedback! When I deliver the first version of your content (if that’s how we’re working together), I’ll tell you how to give me feedback. Usually, we’re operating out of Google docs, so it’s very easy to collaborate. I find that projects always go smoother if there’s just one person managing the feedback process, so I strongly advise that you pick just one company representative for this task. But if there’s more than one person on your team who would like to provide input and feedback, please ensure you do this as a group (all in one go) and let me know when you’re done. This ensures I get a clear picture of what you want changed and I can make the updates within a single round of revisions (that way, you can make the most of the included revisions).

Google Docs

It’s the responsibility of the client to ensure they make a copy of all delivered files for their own records. Due to the digital nature of the files, I cannot guarantee their availability beyond 1 week after they are delivered. While I have backup systems in place, I do not take responsibility for files after they are delivered. You can download, copy, and backup all delivered files once I deliver a project. If you’re unsure about how to do this, I’ll be happy to walk you through the process.

Intellectual property

All produced materials will become the client’s intellectual property once paid for in full; however, I reserve the right to use materials produced in my portfolio.


I will ensure confidentiality of any data shared which remains the property of the client. You also agree to keep my specific processes and intellectual property/templates for private use only.


You, the client must agree to indemnify, save and hold harmless myself from any and all damages, liabilities, costs, losses or expenses arising out of any claim, demand, or action by a third party arising out of any breach of your responsibilities or obligations, representations, or warranties under this agreement.

The services and the work product are provided “as is.” In no event shall I be liable for any lost data or content, lost profits, business interruption or for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages arising out of or relating to the materials or the services provided.

Your approval

I will undertake projects under your direction, and create/publish products only with your expressed approval. As such, all work completed must first be approved by you. I do not accept responsibility for any outcomes or actions as a direct result of the work produced.


Our working relationship will remain ongoing until our one-off project ends or either party decides to end our ongoing engagement.

Either party may choose to terminate the engagement at any time. If the engagement is ended part-way through a project (i.e. after briefs are provided), I’ll finish up by delivering the content for these briefs.

When the engagement ends, you’ll be sent an invoice for any content delivered.