environmental monitoring solutions


Norditech engaged me for copywriting as part of a major website refresh project.


B2B Tech & Software


Brand Voice
Website Copy

About the Project

Noditech specialise in environmental monitoring solutions. They have a mixture of products on offer, as well as consulting services, and specialise in solving problems for very specific industries. As you can imagine, it’s tricky to write about this sort of thing — you have to represent the facts accurately, speak to a number of different audiences, and organise a lot of information logically. Plus, the people who work in this kind of company are not usually the kind that like to write. 

Fortunately, I do like to write — and especially about super technical and challenging topics! Norditech’s CEO reached out to me and engaged me to help write and rewrite their website copy as part of a brand new website development project. 

Planning & Strategy

We determined that Norditech should create pages to describe their services, their areas of expertise, and their products. On top of this, they needed a home page, about page, careers page, and contact page. I underwent keyword research for each of these pages, and ensured the copy was appropriately optimised.

Norditech portfolio sample

Website Copywriting

I worked off some fairly basic notes for each page to ensure that I had the technical background on the products and services, and then used research (and a bit of logic) to fill in the gaps and create most of the content.

Norditech portfolio sample

As a result, Norditech’s new website isn’t just schmick looking, but accurately reflects what they do, how they do it, and who they do it for.