stakeholder management software

Simply Stakeholders

I’ve worked closely with the Simply Stakeholders team over 6+ years to develop a wide variety of content.


B2B Tech & Software


Content Writing
LinkedIn Content
Website Copy

About the Client

Simply Stakeholders are leaders in stakeholder software, with two products (Simply Stakeholders and Darzin) used by organisations all over the world. 

I’ve been working with the team since around 2018 to develop a variety of content types, including blogs, guides, eBooks, landing pages, and social media content. I’ve also had some involvement on the strategic side of things — in particular with suggesting keywords and topics for the blog. 

And more recently, I’ve been involved in a major website refresh project, which involved creating copy and layouts for a number of new pages, including features pages, industry pages, and comparison pages.

The Briefing Process

Because of our long-term relationship and the knowledge that I’ve developed of their industry over the years, the Simply Stakeholders team has minimal involvement in the briefing process. Though I do occasionally talk through topics over a quick Zoom call with the founder or customer success team.

However, some of the content I’ve developed for them has been based on briefs provided by their SEO agency, which included suggested keywords, headings, and links.

Results and Reflections

I’m proud of the work I’ve done with Simply Stakeholders. Not only because I’ve been able to create some really interesting, high-quality content. But also because the content I’ve written performs well, frequently ranking on page 1 (and often #1) for some very high-traffic search terms (and indeed, most of the top keywords within this niche). 

My contribution to their content marketing is an integral part of their marketing and business strategy, helping to cement the brand as a highly visible key player, even among bigger and often more established competitors.