B2B Website Copywriter

Website Copywriting

Refreshingly good website copywriting that gets results.
Get a professional website copywriter who will take the time to understand your audience and brand strategy, write in your voice, structure for conversion, and tick all the SEO boxes.
Show Me the Packages
You should know

Good Website Copy is a Smart Investment

Your website is a 24/7 salesperson for your business who will never ask you for a salary or commission.

And when you get good website copy that works, more people will find you through Google and they’ll click in all the right places.

Pretty solid investment, if you ask me.

Increase Traffic

With the right SEO keywords and quality content, you'll start moving up in Google.

Boost Conversion

Answer objections and structure your content well and you'll improve your conversion rate.

Be More Visible

Feel confident marketing your services with website copy you're proud of.

Kick Your Goals

If your website content has been holding you back, a refresh might just kickstart your next phase of growth.
About Angela

Meet Your Website Copywriter

I’m a website copywriter based in Brisbane, Australia — but I work with clients pretty much everywhere.

I’ve been writing for businesses for more than 10 years. And my marketing/comms background comes in handy with understanding the bigger picture, like your marketing strategy and business goals.

With me, you’ll get website copy that sells you without seeming salesy, that captures your personality (without freaking anybody out), and talks directly to your ideal audience so that they choose YOU over your competitors.
More About Me
Angela Rodgers smiling outside
Who I Write For

Get a Specialist B2B Website Copywriter

Are you (like most of my clients) in the B2B space? You'll probably get the best results working with a specialist — someone who gets your audience and your style. I’ve written website copy for tech companies, consultants, coaches, tradespeople, engineers, and so much more.
"Angela is probably the best content writer I have come across and worked with. She delivers way beyond your expectations through her up to date knowledge on content, SEO and commercial aspect. I would highly recommend her and have her on top of my list for any content work in future."

Adil Arif

"Angela is one of the best copywriters I've ever worked with! Not only is she a strong writer, she is quick, clear, and professional in her communication, which has made my job much easier."
Suzie St George

Suzy St George

Neil Patel Digital

My Website Copywriting Process

My process depends on the project — I’m flexible like that. But most of the time, it involves briefing, research, strategy, drafting, and two rounds of revisions.
Jump to the Packages

Enquiry and Proposal

Send through your details and let’s chat about your project. If we’re a fit, I’ll send through a proposal.


We go through a detailed brief together, covering your brand, audience, strategy, preferences, and more.

Research & Strategy

I dive into the research and confirm the messaging and SEO strategy.


I get to work pulling everything together to draft your copy in an easy-to-share Google doc.

Revisions (x 2) & Final

If your draft needs any tweaks, I’ll refine it further, then it’s ready to go live!


Next time you need a refresh or new page, just reach out!

Website Copywriting Examples

I developed brand messaging and SEO-optimised website copy for STA Consulting Engineers.
View Portfolio Item
I developed brand messaging and SEO-optimised website copy for Simmons Civil.
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I wrote SEO copy for Airtasker’s service and category pages, and created content for price guides.
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Go To My Portfolio

Website Copywriting Package

4 Page Website

Ideal for a small info site!
$4475 +GST
  • Up to 2 x 30-minute discussions
  • Background research
  • Website copy for Home, About, Services, Contact
  • H1, H2, H3 suggestions
  • Title and meta description
  • SEO keyword research
  • USP and tagline suggestions
  • Layout suggestions
  • 2 rounds of revisions

10 Page Website

Perfect for diving deeper into your products or services!
$9945 +GST
  • Up to 3 x 30-minute discussions
  • Background research
  • Website copy for Home, About, Meet the Team, Services/Platform, 4 x sub-pages, Careers, Contact
  • H1, H2, H3 suggestions
  • Title and meta description
  • SEO keyword research
  • USP and tagline suggestions
  • Layout suggestions
  • 2 rounds of revisions

Optional Add-Ons

Customise your website copywriting package for the perfect fit!
from $400 +GST
Extra pages
from $400 per page
Lead magnet / eBook writing
from $2995
Sales / landing pages
from $1995
Email series
from $1545 for 5 emails
WordPress design
price on application

Not Sure What You Need?

Send me your details below. We’ll chat about your needs and I’ll put together a custom website copywriting proposal, just for you. So, if your website’s much bigger than these packages, or even teeny tiny, we can make it happen.
Apply Now
Get started

Enquire About Website Copywriting

To get started, fill out the enquiry form below and we’ll organise a time to chat about your project. Note — this isn’t my brief (that’ll come later) but I’ll use this info to prep for our initial call.
Service - Website Copywriting

FAQs About Website Copywriting

What businesses and industries can you write for?

I specialise in B2B website copywriting, but I’ve written website content for a wide range of businesses and industries. So even if you’re not B2B, I might be able to help you. Exceptions include adult content, content that does not fit with my beliefs and ethics, etc. I reserve the right to refuse, refund, and cancel orders that are not a good fit.

Is your website copy SEO optimised?

If you need your copy optimised for Google, please let me know. I can definitely help with that! A few things you should know about this:

  • Most of the copywriting I do incorporates SEO best practices
  • I’ve invested time and money in learning how to do SEO copywriting really well
  • Whether or not SEO is part of your strategy, I write for people first, and search engines second
  • My writing will naturally lend itself to giving you an SEO advantage by including plenty of quality content, targeted keywords, headings, lists, and information that search engines like
  • I’m happy to include your specific, target keywords in a natural way where possible
What’s your average turnaround time?

It depends on how busy I am. Like most other good website copywriters, I’m usually booked at least a few weeks in advance, so may not be able to start right away. An average website takes 2-4 weeks to draft, but larger projects take longer. It’s a good idea to allow an extra week or so for changes so that I can make it *just right* for you. I can sometimes do rush orders, if requested. If you have an urgent deadline, please check to make sure I can meet it before you book me to write your copy.

Do you write unique content?

Yes. I base my website copywriting on your unique story and approach. I never copy and paste other people’s content. I encourage you to use a plagiarism checker if you are ever concerned.

What makes your different to other copywriters?
  • My processes are pretty tight – I go deep in getting to know you and your brand before I (figuratively speaking) put pen to paper
  • Experience – I specialise in website copywriting and have been writing website content for businesses for more than a decade
  • I’m not just a copywriter – I’m confident with SEO, brand voice, content strategy, conversion, and UX – and I bring these skills to all the web copywriting I do
  • I understand websites – My other business is a web design business where I work closely with my husband who designs, develops, and maintains small business websites
  • I’m a B2B writer – B2B is my main focus, so if your audience includes other businesses, we’re going to get along just fine
  • I’m conversational – Every freelance website copywriter you come across will have their own unique writing style, and although I’m versatile, you’ll see that I naturally gravitate towards longer form, conversational copy
Where are you based?

I’m a website copywriter in Australia (Brisbane!). I work from my home office, so I do all my meetings over the phone or Zoom. That means we can work together no matter where your company is based.

Who owns the copyright?

Once you have paid for and received your completed content, it is yours to do with as you wish.

Do you offer revisions?

Yes. I offer two drafts with every standard website copywriting package. Usually due to my detailed briefing process, I find that we’re 99% on track after the first draft.

Do you upload the copy for me?

At this stage, I do not offer this service (unless you’re working with me via The Digital Brew), but please mention it if you are interested. Most of my clients either add their copy to their content management system themselves or ask theri web designer to do it for them.

Can you write other stuff too?

Yes! I can write email marketing copy, eBooks, case studies, and other types of content. You’re most welcome to contact me and request a custom quote for your project or check out my services and rates.

Learn more

Learn More About Working With a Website Copywriter

If it's your first time hiring a website copywriter, you might feel unsure about what's involved, what you can expect, and what the process looks like. Here's what you need to know...

What is a Website Copywriter?

A website copywriter is a role in marketing and advertising that focuses on writing professional copy for the web. Copy refers to written words that help convince readers to take action.

What is Website Copy?

SEO copywriting is exactly like regular copywriting (designed to sell or encourage users to take an action). But on top of that, it also takes into account your SEO (search engine optimisation) strategy and the keywords you want to rank for in Google. By using the right keywords and phrases in the right places, SEO copywriting can help you show up in Google searches for the words your audience is using to find your products/services. Of course, there's a lot more to SEO than just copywriting, but it's a very significant and important part. 🙂

What Does a Website Copywriter Do?

A website copywriter asks the right questions and does the right kind of research to create the best possible words for your website. Generally, website copy is designed to provide users with information and/or encourage them to take action, whether it's signing up for your lead magnet, enquiring about your service, or purchasing an online product.

What is SEO Copywriting?

Regardless of what stage your business is at, you’ll do need to do some foundational work before you start to work with a website copywriter. Before you hire a copywriter, you need to:

  • Know who your audience is – Your website copywriter has to know who they’re writing for
  • Know what you’re selling – Your website copywriter has to know what products or services to describe and promote
  • Be willing to let go – If you’ve done all the writing yourself up until now, you need to be ready to find someone who will do a better job than you… and trust them to do it
  • Have time to collaborate – Your copywriter will save you time, but only if you set aside the time to brief them, answer questions, and provide feedback
  • Have budget set aside – If you’re down to your last dollar, please don’t spend it on hiring a copywriter… you’re better off DIYing as best as you can until you can afford some help
  • Want to grow your reach and impact – If you don’t want to grow, you’ll probably be too scared to publish your updated site (for real – this does happen!)
  • Understand what a copywriter does – Don’t just hire a website copywriter because some coach/guru told you to… do some research and then decide for yourself if it’s a good investment

Working on a copywriting project before you’re ready doesn’t make good business sense. So, if a client comes to me and doesn’t have the above essentials in place, I’ll tell them they’re not ready to work with me yet. Simple 🙂

When is The Right Time to Hire a Website Copywriter?

Most clients who book me for website copywriting services are at one of these three stages:

1. Start up: launching their first website

If you’re a startup and you need a clear brand voice and messaging, hiring a professional copywriter makes sense.

A word of warning — if funds are tight, it’s a good idea to keep your launch site simple so you don’t over-capitalise. The good thing about websites is you can always upgrade your copy down the track once you’re ready.

2. Level up: upgrading DIY copy to sound more pro

Some clients DIY their website copy and find this is sufficient to get them through the first year or so of business. But over time, a DIY website can really hold back the brand, especially if they want to charge premium prices and attract better clients.

The good thing about upgrading DIY copy for a business that’s already got customers and clients is that they’ve got a clear business model, product, or service. They know who their clients are and what their biggest problems are. The website copywriter’s job is to refine the brand voice and turn all of these insights into copy that connects with the audience and helps to drive enquiries or sales.

3. Brand refresh: updating their website and brand

Some clients have already worked with a professional website copywriter before. But over time, brands change, services start and stop, and the audience comes across new problems. Most businesses will need to make minor tweaks to their copy every few months (depending on what stage of business they’re at). But every few years, there’ll likely be a big enough shift in the business to require a complete refresh of the website copy. A lot of the time, this happens alongside a new website design and restructure.

TIP: No matter whether you’re at stage 1, 2, or 3, always contact your website copywriter early on in the process. Your copywriter should be involved in planning your project, site structure, pages, content, and more. And that should (ideally) happen even before you book your web designer.

When Shouldn't You Hire a Website Copywriter?

Regardless of what stage your business is at, you’ll need to do some foundational work before you start to work with a website copywriter. Before you hire a copywriter, you need to:

  • Know who your audience is – Your website copywriter has to know who they’re writing for
  • Know what you’re selling – Your website copywriter has to know what products or services to describe and promote
  • Be willing to let go – If you’ve done all the writing yourself up until now, you need to be ready to find someone who will do a better job than you… and trust them to do it
  • Have time to collaborate – Your copywriter will save you time, but only if you set aside the time to brief them, answer questions, and provide feedback
  • Have some budget set aside – If you’re down to your last dollar, please don’t spend it on hiring a copywriter… you’re better off DIYing as best as you can until you can afford some help
  • Understand what a copywriter does – Don’t just hire a website copywriter because someone told you to… do some research and then decide for yourself

Working on a copywriting project before you’re ready doesn’t make good business sense. So, if a client comes to me and doesn’t have the above essentials in place, I’ll tell them they’re not ready to work with me yet.

The Website Copywriting Process

Every copywriter you work with will have a slightly different process. My process is pretty front-heavy. That’s because I like to spend a good chunk of time making sure I’m the right person to work with a client and that the project fits with their goals. Plus, I like to spend a lot of time understanding their business, their audience, and researching before I write the copy.

Here’s how I work with clients, from initial enquiry and proposal to writing, editing, and launching the copy:

Step 1: Enquiry and Chat
Most clients start by filling out an enquiry form, and from there, I’ll schedule a Zoom call. On this call, we’ll go through a bunch of website and business info, and they’ll get the chance to ask any questions about my website copywriting process.

Step 2: Plan and Proposal
After we chat, I’ll have enough info to put together my recommendations and a proposal (with terms and conditions attached). If this fits the client’s needs, budget, and timeline, they’ll accept. Then I’ll send through the initial invoice and we’ll schedule the project.

Step 3: Briefing, Research & Supporting Docs
Most of the time, I’ll schedule another call for further briefing with the client. I’ll conduct audience, competitor, and keyword research. And depending on the project, I might also create some online surveys for Voice of Customer research. From this, I’ll be able to create a document with SEO recommendations and another document that outlines brand messaging, including tone of voice, USP, taglines, and key messages. Once approved, these will be used to guide the copy drafts.

Step 4: Writing
Then it’s time to start drafting. It all happens in Google docs so we can collaborate easily. Once the first draft of the website copy is ready, my client gets the chance to go through it and provide me with feedback using the comments or suggestions tool. I include up to two revisions so I can get the copy just right.

Step 5: Ready for Launch
The final version of the website copy is neatly laid out in Google docs (SEO meta titles and descriptions included). I use tables to structure the copy and show things like buttons, columns, and sections — so that it resembles a website layout. If the client a little tech savvy, they can put it straight into their content management system (like WordPress), or send it off to their web designer.

Of course, I tailor this process to each individual client. If it’s a smaller scale project or a client I’ve already worked with, I might do a quick informal proposal — and I might not need to create as many supporting documents.

How Much Does a Website Copywriter Cost?

Website copywriting prices vary hugely, from under $100 per page, right up to six-figure projects. The main factors influencing the cost of hiring a website copywriter include: experience, demand, niche specialisation, skill level, special skills, scope, urgency, and potential risk/reward.

The more experienced, skilled, and specialised your website copywriter is, the more they’ll charge. And if your project requires more words or pages, or needs to be delivered urgently, you can expect your website copywriting costs to go up.

Projects will also cost more if there’s a lot of risk associated with getting your project wrong (e.g. government, medical, or high-profile) or a high potential ROI (high ticket items or high volumes of traffic). That’s because businesses in high risk/reward situations prefer to work with the most experienced, skilled copywriters possible to maximise their chances of success.

How Do You Choose a Website Copywriter?

Maybe you just want a professional writer who can put something basic together or edit out your spelling mistakes. If so, there are plenty of great copywriters out there who should fit your needs.

But if you need to tick a lot more boxes than that (on-brand, SEO, conversion, etc.) finding the right website copywriter can be tricky. In fact, you might have to try a few different copywriters before you find one you’re happy to work with long-term.

Here are some prompts when researching potential website copywriters to narrow down your options and choose the right one for you:

  • Do they have experience writing website copy in my niche/industry?
  • Do I like the example styles in their website copy portfolio?
  • Do they have plenty of positive testimonials from real clients?
  • Do they have a website that demonstrates good copywriting practices?
  • Do they break up their copy with headlines and spaces so it’s easy to read on mobile?
  • Do they demonstrate a good understanding of conversion copywriting best practices?
  • Do they use clear calls-to-action on every page?
  • Can they do SEO copywriting and either suggest keywords or work with my keyword list?
  • Is it clear that they write for humans, not just Google?
  • Do they understand the bigger picture, such as marketing strategies and business goals?
  • Do they have a clear website copywriting process?
  • Can they collaborate with my SEO person and web designer to create a better site?
  • Does their availability fit with my deadline?
  • Does the investment make sense for where my business is at right now?
  • Are they easy to work with and a good fit for my team?

I’m confident that these questions will help you compare potential copywriters and find one who knows what they’re doing and is a good fit for your business. But if you’re still unsure, test them out on a smaller-scale project first. You’ll quickly find out whether you like their writing style, communication, and process.